Saturday, September 18, 2010

Weekend Wrap Up

Hello lovelies!

I've decided to add a weekly blog post called "Weekend Wrap Up"
I thought it would be a great idea, especially with all the packaging I do throughout the week. (:

My first post this week will be based on packaging I've done throughout the summer. I recently started taking photos of everything I package (Well, at least the ones I find the time to photograph!)
I really love adding personal touches to all of my lovely customers purchases! I love receiving packages in the mail, who doesn't!? Why not make it a super special occasion and wrap it up like a gift? (:

This is the first post of hopefully many to come! I'm so excited to share with everyone all the little packaging tricks I have up my sleeve!

xox Kala Noel.


  1. Srsly? Gorgeous. I may just have to buy something from your shop soon, just so I can have some lovely packaging to open :) Well done.

  2. Oh, they're so very lovely! I might need to buy something from you!


  3. Seriously people. You should see these things! It is positively ridiculous :)

  4. Those are extremely wonderfully beautiful!

  5. You weren't joking when you said packaging took you a while...and I can see why! You're amazing.

  6. gorgeous! wish i was on the receiving end one of those beautiful packages..

  7. you are so talented! I wouldn't even care what's inside, the package is already too pretty! :)

  8. Thanks everyone! I'll be sure to post more this weekend!
